Apparently Owning An iPhone Makes You More Attractive On Dating Apps


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Dating apps are very superficial because since you don’t get to talk to the person while you’re checking out their profile, it’s pretty much based on looks. However, apparently it’s not just looks that will make you successful on a dating app, but it also seems that what kind of smartphone or smartwatch you own helps.

Wait, what? According to a somewhat interesting and novel study conducted by CompareMyMobile, it appears that depending on the smartphone brand you own, you may increase your chances of success at getting a date on a dating app. The study found that users who had Apple devices in their profiles were found to be 76% “more attractive” than those who owned other brands or platforms.

For example, owning an iPhone apparently resulted in more users having their profiles swiped right on, while the Apple Watch made users 61% “more attractive”, and the AirPods by 41%. Samsung users did not fare that much better with the study finding that it only added about 19% “more attractiveness”.

Also, it seems that owning a BlackBerry was a huge no-no where it would negatively impact your chances by a whopping 74%. We’re not sure what the point of the study was, but if you haven’t had much luck using dating apps, maybe consider uploading a new profile photo where you flex your iPhone.

Filed in Apple >Cellphones >General. Read more about Android, Apps, iPhone and Study. Source: appleinsider

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