Berlin public prosecutor investigates Rammstein singer Till Lindemann


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There is initial suspicion
Berlin public prosecutor determined against Lindemann

According to reports, several criminal charges under Section 177 have been filed against Rammstein singer Till Lindemann. This regulates, among other things, sexual assaults. This is where the public prosecutor’s office comes into play, which investigates the singer ex officio.

The Berlin public prosecutor’s office has apparently initiated investigations against Rammstein singer Till Lindemann because of the existence of an initial suspicion. Like multiple media including the “daily mirror”reported unanimously, the Berlin Senator for Justice Felor Badenberg informed the members of the Judiciary Committee in the House of Representatives behind closed doors.

Accordingly, the public prosecutor’s office had initiated investigations ex officio, and there were also several criminal charges against Lindemann under Section 177 of the Criminal Code, it said. According to the “image”. are two advertisements for different alleged acts origin of the investigation. One was received by the Berlin police, the other was therefore made directly to the public prosecutor’s office.

In paragraph 177 it says, among other things: “Anyone who, against the apparent will of another person, carries out sexual acts on this person or has them carried out by them, or who determines this person to carry out or tolerate sexual acts on or by a third party, will be punished with imprisonment from six months to five years.” It also states that anyone who takes advantage of a “moment of surprise” when performing sexual acts or that the victim “is significantly restricted in the formation or expression of the will due to their physical or mental condition” will also be punished.

Public excluded from the House of Representatives

In the past few weeks, numerous women have made allegations against the Rammstein singer in particular, but also against people close to the band. The women described how they are said to have been recruited for sexual acts at after-show parties. Lindemann recently had some allegations rejected by his Berlin lawyers Simon Bergmann and Christian Schertz:

“Serious allegations against our client were made by various women on social networks, especially on Instagram, Twitter and YouTube,” it said in a statement. “It has been repeatedly claimed that women at Rammstein concerts were drugged with knockout drops or alcohol to enable our client to perform sexual acts on them. These allegations are untrue without exception.”

When discussing the topic in the most recent committee meeting of the House of Representatives in Berlin, the left-wing MP Sebastian Keyburg had asked the question to what extent there were public prosecutor investigations against Lindemann because of an initial criminal suspicion, according to the “Tagesspiegel”. However, the non-partisan Justice Senator only wanted to answer this question in private – the members of all parliamentary groups in the committee agreed.

As recently as Monday, the public prosecutor’s office had refused to provide information about possible investigations. The reason given was that the conditions for permissible reporting of suspicions had to be observed. “It is essential that information from the authorities enjoys a special degree of trust, but that there is also a great risk of public prejudice against those affected,” quoted a spokeswoman for the “Tagesspiegel”.

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