Bremen: Senator for Social Affairs Stahmann announces withdrawal


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Status: 05/27/2023 10:03 p.m

Bremen’s Social Senator Stahmann has announced that she will be leaving the Senate. The Green politician also does not want to accept her citizenship mandate.

By Milan Jaeger and Rebecca Kusters

The party members present responded to Anja Stahmann’s announcement with applause lasting several minutes. Stahmann said she decided after almost 25 years that she didn’t want to continue.

I am now disappointing some of the voters. But that’s the way it is now, I’m making room after 24 years.

(Anja Stahmann, previously Senator for Social Affairs, Youth, Integration and Sport)

Most recently she was Bremen’s Senator for Social Affairs, Youth, Integration and Sport. The Bremen Greens would have to renew themselves after the poor performance in the state elections, Stahmann continued. She has been a member of the Bremen state government for twelve years now and has been a member of the citizenship since 1999.

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The Greens will probably have to give up a senator post in a future coalition due to the lost votes in the election.

coalition negotiations Yes or no?

In the course of Saturday, the Bremen Greens will also vote at the general meeting on the start of coalition negotiations with the SPD and the left. Werwath, leader of the Bremen Greens, is certain that they want to actively help shape the change towards more climate protection – and in a government and not in the opposition. However, there are also individual voices in the party who are against the Greens continuing to participate in the government.

Party wants to work up election defeat

The participants of the state party conference should not only vote on whether to negotiate with their previous government partners. After the significant loss of votes in the general election, it is also about how the party will reposition itself.

A motion by the state board provides for the election results to be processed. Co-Chairman Pfeffer described his party’s performance in the state elections as dramatic and announced that the Bremen Greens could not continue as before. With top candidate Maike Schaefer, they had achieved 11.9 percent in the election and thus lost almost a third of their votes.

Left also ready to negotiate

The left had previously spoken out in favor of coalition negotiations. If the Greens also agree, the talks could begin after Pentecost.

More articles about coalition building:

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buten un binnen, May 27, 2023, 7:30 p.m

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