Installing AV over IP systems today affords future expansion possibilities


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Having watched the AV-over-IP landscape expand over the past few years, it’s easy for integrators to understand the growing capabilities of AVoIP systems, but it’s been satisfying to see end users realize what these systems can do, according to Jim Mauger, senior systems designer at integration firm Spinitar.

“I get excited to see the end user’s perspective shift when they see a system finally up and running,” he said. “You can do a lot to explain it, to sell them on the pluses of doing it this way, but when they can see the convenience of it? How flexible things can be? It’s cool to see their eyes open when they realize how much capability they have, which is something they may not have quite realized at the concept stage.”

Ben Dandola-Grubb, assistant vice president of engineering services at integration firm Verrex, has seen an increase in AVoIP adoption, which has provided more choices in available technology as well as more opportunities for projects that integrate them. “There’s been more attention across the board, whether it’s manufacturers developing their products or clients interested in all the marketing, or us as integrators just wanting to be involved in working with AV over IP,” he said.

The Jersey City, NJ, office of a New York financial institution was outfitted with an AVoIP system by Verrex.

The Jersey City, NJ, office of a New York financial institution was outfitted with an AVoIP system by Verrex. (Image credit: Verrex)

Potential for Growth

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